Researchers are still working on determining why people get coeliac disease. There is still more research to be completed but it is recognised that the immune function and genetics of individuals play a role in the likelihood of a person being diagnosed with Coeliac Disease.
- Once diagnosed, people have Coeliac Disease for their life time. However the removal of gluten from the diet can relieve the symptoms but gluten must be continued to be removed from the diet.
- Coeliac Disease is more common in women than men. Some research refers to a ratio of three women to every one man being diagnosed with Coeliac Disease.
- It can occur at any age but is more common between the ages of 40-50 years.
- The disease is rare among Asian and African people, but is more common in people from Europe.
- A stressful life event can cause a suppressed Coeliac condition to develop into the real full-blown disease.
- In America it is estimated that 1 in 5000 Americans can not eat wheat because of a reaction to gluten. Although it should be remembered that gluten is found in varying amounts in wheat, rye, oats and barley.