Who doesn’t enjoy biscuits warm from the oven. This biscuits are easy to make and you can add more than just chocolate chips to these biscuits, try dried craisins, sultanas and nuts.
Boil To cook until liquid is so hot it forms bubbles
Broil To cook directly under a heating element
Chill To place in the refrigerator to lower a food’s temperature
Chop To cut into pieces with a sharp knife or chopper
Combine To mix ingredients together
Cream To beat until smooth, soft and fluffy
Cube To cut into 1/4-inch cubes
Cut To mix a solid fat into a flour mixture with a pastry blender, a fork or two knives
Dice To cut food into 1/8-inch cubes
Dot Drop bits of butter or cheese here and there over food
Drain To pour off liquid
Flour To coat greased pans or dishes with a fine coat of flour. Shake out extra flour
Fold To mix gently by bringing rubber scraper down through mixture, across the bottom, up and over top until blended
Fry To cook in hot fat
Garnish To decorate a finished dish with colorful food to make it look pretty
Grate Rub against a grater to cut into small shreds
Grease To spread the bottom and/or sides of a pan with shortening to prevent sticking
Grill To cook directly over a heating element or hot coals
Who doesn’t enjoy biscuits warm from the oven. This biscuits are easy to make and you can add more than just chocolate chips to these biscuits, try dried craisins, sultanas and nuts.
Knead To fold, turn, and press dough with heel of your hand in order to develop the gluten and make dough more elastic
Ladle To dip and serve liquid with a ladle
Melt To heat until it liquefies
Mince To chop or cut into tiny pieces
Mix To stir foods together
Panfry To cook in fat in a skillet
Pare To cut off the outside skin, as from an apple or potato
Peel To pull off the outer skin, as from a banana or an orange
Pit To take out the seeds
Roll Flatten and spread with a rolling pin
Saute To cook in small amount of fat in a skillet
Scald To heat milk just below a boiling point. Tiny bubbles will form around the edge
Shred To cut into very thin strips
Sift To put dry ingredients like flour through a sifter or sieve
Simmer To cook in liquid over low heat so bubbles form slowly
Stir To mix round and round with a spoon
Toss To mix lightly
Well A hole made in dry ingredients in which you pour liquid
Whip To beat with a rotary egg beater or electric mixer to add air
For more definitions of baking terms regularly used by New Zealand bakers, search our glossary.