Applications are open to all flour levy payers or organisations that support flour levy paying companies.
Research Grants can be used to engage a researcher to investigate a process or quality issue at your company or production site. Alternatively a Research Grant may be used to employ a specialist to mentor an in house project team.
1. Value up to 10,000 + GST
2. Grant must be used for research which will benefit flour levy paying industry. At the completion of the project, applicants must produce a report (in a format agreed with the BIRT Secretary) and/or presentation for the Baking Industry Research Trust which covers at least the following (excluding commercially sensitive data):
3. All research carried out including methodology, results and conclusions must be shared with NZ Association of Bakers (NZAB) and Baking Industry Research Trust (BIRT) Members.
4. If funds are used to attend a conference then BIRT must be provided with a copy of the conference proceedings and papers
5. Any papers presented by a grant recipient at a conference travelled to using BIRT funds must be preapproved by the BIRT committee.
6. All research must be carried out in a manner agreed by the BIRT committee or its nominee (e.g. Plant & Food Research)
7. Granting of Research Grants is at the sole discretion of the BIRT Committee.Their decision is final and non-contestable.
Each year there are four closing dates for Research Grant applications:
Open to all flour levy payers or organisations that support flour levy paying companies