Applications are open to all flour levy payers or organisations that support flour levy paying companies. Simply complete the form with the project work to be undertaken and submit the form online
Members are in effect the large bread plant bakery companies in New Zealand. In particular NZAB is the Baking Association responsible for overseeing expenditure of the flour users levy, collected in compliance with the Wheat Industry Research Levies Act 1989, “for the purpose of promoting or conducting research and other scientific work that, in the opinion of the Association, is of benefit, whether directly, or indirectly, to the baking industry or other flour-using industries or both” (Wheat Industry Research Levies Act 1989).
The objects of the Association are:-
(a) To promote, aid, foster, develop and protect the interests of members of the Association by whatever means the Association may decide.
(b) To promote, oppose or move for the revision of any legislative regulations, or law affecting the interests of the members of the Association.
(c) To prepare and make submissions or representations on behalf of members to any commission, committee, court, tribunal or any other body or person in respect of any matter or proceedings which directly or indirectly concern the interests of members.
(d) To co-operate with any other body or organisation whose objects and purposes are empathetic to those of the Association.
(e) To manage levies and funds for the benefit of the members.
(f) To promote and assist in the development of training standards and their implementation.
(g) To enter into any arrangement deemed beneficial to manage research funds, procedures and processes.
(h) To do all such other things as may appear necessary, desirable, incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects.
Membership of the NZAB is open to:
a) Any person or body corporate who bakes for wholesale that quantity of bread and/or bread rolls requiring the use of 10 metric tonnes or more of flour per week shall be entitled to apply to become an ordinary member of the Association.
b) The Executive Committee may at its sole discretion admit as an ordinary member of the Association any person or body corporate entitled to apply for membership under the provisions of Clause a).
And the Executive Committee may admit as an Associate member of this Association any person or body corporate who or which is engaged in the manufacture of baked products or supply of materials, services or products to the baked goods industry.
Applications are open to all flour levy payers or organisations that support flour levy paying companies. Simply complete the form with the project work to be undertaken and submit the form online