Applications are open to all flour levy payers or organisations that support flour levy paying companies. Simply complete the form with the project work to be undertaken and submit the form online
Set up under the Wheat Industry Research Levies Act in August 1989, the Baking Industry Research Trust (BIRT) was one of the three research trusts set up after the disestablishment of the Wheat Research Committee. Alongside BIRT for the bread bakers, the Flour Millers Research Trust (FMRT) for Millers and United Wheat Growers were established. A Liaison Committee was also established so all three research arms could exchange knowledge and identify joint projects.
Committed to research aimed at delivering medium-to-long-term benefits to the New Zealand bread baking industry, and other flour users, BIRT has been instrumental in conducting a wide range of research on behalf of their members. Much was originally with WRI/Crop & Food Research, and now more recently Plant and Food Research but other projects have also been done such as the work with the New Zealand Heart Foundation on reducing salt in bread and ESR on microbial control of baked goods.
John Gould was the first chair of the Trust and under his 12 year tenure much of the research was process orientated as was appropriate for an industry implementing new technology.
Since 2001, as a more mature industry with wider access to international research, there has been a progressive change towards more consumer-based research as bakers have grappled with the need to respond to changing consumer and policy needs.
Wheat Breeding & Milling
Dough & Bread Attributes
Consumer Health
Processing Optimisation
With the bulk of funding coming from across the industry, it has been important to explain all work clearly to industry members. BIRT holds a database of all research reports and runs regular technology transfer seminars to share the latest research and knowledge from both New Zealand and abroad. The BIRT website has also become an important place to disseminate information.
Applications are open to all flour levy payers or organisations that support flour levy paying companies. Simply complete the form with the project work to be undertaken and submit the form online